Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Truly Simple Pleasures

What calms you? Probably several people in your life, right? But I'm not talking about that kind of calm that comes from those close to you.
I mean, what THING seems to slow the world down for you, putting you in that place where all is right -- even if it's only for a few moments a day?
For me, meditation, prayers of gratitude and yoga are parts of my daily fix, but there are a couple of simple pleasures I indulge in that I'll share. Enter my favorite drinks;
WATER, TEA & COFFEE. And the real stuff, decaf.
Ok, ok, I hear all the chatter out there about caffeine. But let me tell you; when you drink as much water as I do each day...2 gallons or more...drink your coffee.
Whatever you do though, make it special. I use pretty dishware, or something that's strictly personal, like these...

Gold-Rimmed Glass
And no, that's not wine in the glass. I do enjoy a good Moscato every now and then, but that's flavored water with lemon.


But you get the idea, don't you? Pleasure is just that simple.

So now that you know my thing, why not take a moment, grab a glass or cup, and sip a little tranquility with me. 


~~Add a comment below and share one of your Simple Pleasures with us.

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