Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Include Everyone in Your Holiday Celebrations
Want to start a new tradition this year? How about making your Holiday Season a diverse one? 

Some people have family members who choose to follow a different religion than the rest of the family. Some may adopt the cultural habits of others. Embrace those differences. Find out more about them. Celebrate the uniqueness of all during this holiday season.
After all, this is the time of year to express peace and good will toward all, right?

Listed below are a few things you can do with and for family members, friends, and anyone else within your circle of acquaintances whose values, beliefs, cultures, or traditions are different from what you are accustomed to.
  • Invite your friend to a dinner/celebration and ask them to bring their favorite dessert or a dish that represents their culture or tradition.  
  • Involve the kids. Have them research a culture or religion different from your own and share an interesting fact during dinner. The family can vote for the most interesting fact learned.
  • Understand that a need is a need in any walk of life. Combine your efforts and give to a charity in the name of both your religions.

Opening up to the differences of others will not minimize the importance of our beliefs or values in any way. Instead, it creates deeper connections through the sharing of ourselves. It gives us another way to grow and learn from each other. Remember, to share is to care. (Excerpt from my book, "Creating Bliss ~ Better Living In Seven Steps"

Remember, it’s not about your way or mine. It’s not about traveling in only one direction in life. It’s about inclusion, involvement, and support; and sometimes even adaptation. It’s about connecting to expand in all directions of life.
So introduce some new traditions into your family celebrations. Bring family and friends closer through the respect and acceptance of all. Do this and give the gift of love to all; the gift that’s understood and accepted in any culture or religion.

~~~~~Tell Tammy~~~~~

What is your favorite family tradition? Leave a comment below.

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