Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Explore Several Techniques to Maintain Inner Balance

There is no one method to maintain balance in life so it’s wise to use whatever works to maintain yours. 

There are definite practices that afford me the positive feelings that come from being centered and balanced; like meditation, sacred walks, journaling, etc. For the most part, those daily practices work. But then there’re those days when I find I need an extra dose of “letting go” of thoughts and feelings that threaten to rattle my spirit to the core.

In my new book, “Creating B.L.I.S.S. – Better Living In Seven Steps”  , I have outlined various ways to get to that wonderful state of balance and the benefits that come from knowing when to use them; techniques that include prayer, meditation, yoga, walking, breathing, playing, and many others as they all tend to place the spirit in harmony.

What really works is whatever works for you. Explore different methods but know that it’s not necessary to do them all. Only when you understand how you benefit from each, will you know what to do to benefit yourself the most.

For example, an early morning walk can be an energizing start to a great day. And if your day later takes a hectic turn, try meditation to stay focused on the actions needed to get you through the remainder of your day. And if meditation’s not possible at the time, focus on your breathing; that always works. You’re breathing anyway, why not be mindful of it and expel all stress with each exhale. Get the idea?

Know which techniques work best when your spirit needs them the most. And remember; don’t wear yourself out trying every technique you’ve ever heard of. Simply do what’s necessary to boost your spirit when the need arises and you will lessen all threats of imbalance. 

~~~~~Tell Tammy~~~~~

How do you maintain balance in your life? 

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