Thursday, January 22, 2015

100 Days of Civility

The more we become technically- and social media-connected, the more disconnected we seem to get from the basic values of kind and considerate behavior.

In a recent study performed by the Public Agenda Research Group, nearly eight in 10 respondents agreed that lack of respect and courtesy is a serious national problem.

We at Image Design endeavor to combat this common trend of insensitivity, thoughtlessness, and plain rude behavior through our ongoing "Bliss Programs for Life" and "Let's Be Civil" campaign.

The goals of our campaign continue to be:
  • To increase awareness of Civility in the workplace, home and community
  • To bring developmental focus back to positive, traditional values
  • To inspire and encourage the practice of respectful behavior in everyday life
This year we take our campaign a step further and present to you from now thru May 1, 2015

"100 Days of Civility"
Why May 1st?

Because May is International Civility Awareness Month and since our "Let's Be Civil" campaign is at the heart of kindness and civility, we offer a jump start by providing the community, families and individuals of all ages with information, games, stories and activities beginning now.

Make your plans to campaign with us and enjoy the fun of becoming an advocate of civility and kindness. 

Begin here by embracing...

 The Meaning of Civility

C      is for the CONFIDENCE I gain when I behave in respectful ways
And the way I’ll strive to be from now ‘til the end of my days

I         is for the IMAGE I work hard to polish and protect
To shine and sparkle whenever I treat others with respect

V      stands for core VALUES that serve as my relief
When I struggle over choices; they help me stick to my belief

I         is for INCLUSIVE – A broad respect for all mankind
That reminds us in life’s travels, to leave no one behind

L       is for LOVE of Environment that we show when we take care
                     Of our land, our Nation, each other; of our animals, our oceans and air

I        The last “I” is for IMMEDIATELY – which is when I plan to act
                     To help make this world much better and keep civility in tact

T       Urges us all to TURN our bad behaviors into good
And attempt to live responsibly; the way we know we should

Y       For this, I’ll just ask you: “Y-Not” take this time and pledge with me
To be a shining example, and a model of CIVILITY
                                                                Copyright 2015 by Image Design Consulting Co.
Campaigning for civility was inspired by Dr. P.M. Forni and the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) who, together in 2009, established International Civility Awareness Month as an activity on Chase's Calendar of Events.

~~~~~ Do you feel rude behavior is on the rise? ~~~~~
Please share your thoughts below.

Monday, January 19, 2015

A Shout Out to Dr. King

Although we are observing the legacy of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. today, his actual birthday was on Thursday, January 15, 2015 and I found it ironic that on that day... a fan of the NBA, I was seated in front of the TV ready for the first game of the night, wondering in the back of my mind, if anyone was going to send a shout out to the memory of Dr. King on this day of his birth.
Well, there was a shout out, but in my opinion, not one that would have made Dr. King proud.
You see, the Basketball Analysts began their discussion with last week's altercation between Kevin Garnett and Dwight Howard. And Charles Barkley said:

"You got to fight sometimes because you can't
let people disrespect you."

He substantiated this with a recap of his fight with Shaquille O'Neal many years ago, saying that he knew he couldn't beat Shaq, but because there were 18,000 people in the stadium at the time, he felt like that was reason to fight. He further said, "You got to throw blows".
Looking for clarity, Co-Analyst, Ernie Johnson asked Charles, "Come on, you're encouraging people to throw blows now and again?"
Barkley answered, "In certain situations."
And as if that wasn't enough negativity, Shaq chimed in:
"I hate to say it, but I agree with Chuck. Sometimes you got to let people know 'I'm here also. You may be a star, you're an older star, I'm a younger're not going to disrespect me'. And Chuck is absolutely right; you got to throw a blow to let people know."
Well fellas, here's the thing; when you say that no one will disrespect you, I say they don't have to. You do a great job of it  yourself by staying set and ready for self-disrespect, all too easily and all too often.
The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Civil Rights Activist, but impacted our lives for many positive ideas; not just the ones regarding race. However, how many people do you know only think Black and White when his name is mentioned?
He stood for much more and should be honored for it all. He didn't tell us to be non-violent...but only with regard to race. He didn't say that the way to respect ourselves is to disrespect another. And never did he encourage anyone to be violent.
It's amazing how, on one breath, many will honor Dr. King, but on their next breath, totally stomp out all his triumphs with actions that dishonor all he was truly about.
I'm sorry for those (like our sports analysts last Thursday night) who believe there are times for physical violence. It's disheartening to know that these people feel obligated to be aggressive, and then say it's for their family, their team, their mentees, or for their own respect; when it's really for their personal insecurity.
And what's worse is the vast number of young people who are being taught this tragic message and, even more tragically, learn and follow through with it.
We should be teaching our youngsters that although there are numerous ways to gain respect (and be sure to point them out) as with everything, it all begins with the self. It begins with a choice of self-respect over violence.
But enough of my words; here are some from Dr. King, himself...
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
"The time is always right to do what is right."
"Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals."
And finally, one of my favorite quotes:
"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

Happy Birthday, Dr. King! 
May your message be accurately taken and your example faithfully honored.

~~What do you think Dr. King would say to Charles  and Shaq about their statements? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Truly Simple Pleasures

What calms you? Probably several people in your life, right? But I'm not talking about that kind of calm that comes from those close to you.
I mean, what THING seems to slow the world down for you, putting you in that place where all is right -- even if it's only for a few moments a day?
For me, meditation, prayers of gratitude and yoga are parts of my daily fix, but there are a couple of simple pleasures I indulge in that I'll share. Enter my favorite drinks;
WATER, TEA & COFFEE. And the real stuff, decaf.
Ok, ok, I hear all the chatter out there about caffeine. But let me tell you; when you drink as much water as I do each day...2 gallons or more...drink your coffee.
Whatever you do though, make it special. I use pretty dishware, or something that's strictly personal, like these...

Gold-Rimmed Glass
And no, that's not wine in the glass. I do enjoy a good Moscato every now and then, but that's flavored water with lemon.


But you get the idea, don't you? Pleasure is just that simple.

So now that you know my thing, why not take a moment, grab a glass or cup, and sip a little tranquility with me. 


~~Add a comment below and share one of your Simple Pleasures with us.

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