In a recent study performed by the Public Agenda Research Group, nearly eight in 10 respondents agreed that lack of respect and courtesy is a serious national problem.
We at Image Design endeavor to combat this common trend of insensitivity, thoughtlessness, and plain rude behavior through our ongoing "Bliss Programs for Life" and "Let's Be Civil" campaign.
The goals of our campaign continue to be:
- To increase awareness of Civility in the workplace, home and community
- To bring developmental focus back to positive, traditional values
- To inspire and encourage the practice of respectful behavior in everyday life
"100 Days of Civility"
Because May is International Civility Awareness Month and since our "Let's Be Civil" campaign is at the heart of kindness and civility, we offer a jump start by providing the community, families and individuals of all ages with information, games, stories and activities beginning now.
Make your plans to campaign with us and enjoy the fun of becoming an advocate of civility and kindness.
Begin here by embracing...
The Meaning of Civility
C is for the CONFIDENCE I gain when I behave in respectful ways
And the way I’ll strive to be from now ‘til the end of my days
I is for the IMAGE I work hard to polish and protect
To shine and sparkle whenever I treat others with respect
V stands for core VALUES that serve as my relief
When I struggle over choices; they help me stick to my belief
I is for INCLUSIVE – A broad respect for all mankind
That reminds us in life’s travels, to leave no one behind
L is for LOVE of Environment that we show when we take care
Of our land, our Nation, each other; of our animals, our oceans and air
I The last “I” is for IMMEDIATELY – which is when I plan to act
To help make this world much better and keep civility in tact
T Urges us all to TURN our bad behaviors into good
And attempt to live responsibly; the way we know we should
Y For this, I’ll just ask you: “Y-Not” take this time and pledge with me
To be a shining example, and a model of CIVILITY
Copyright 2015 by Image Design Consulting Co.
Campaigning for civility was inspired by Dr. P.M. Forni and the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI) who, together in 2009, established International Civility Awareness Month as an activity on Chase's Calendar of Events.
~~~~~ Do you feel rude behavior is on the rise? ~~~~~
Please share your thoughts below.