What's Your Customer's Personality?
Customers fall into four basic personality types. See if you recognize any of them:
The Hurried Customer can be direct, forceful, competitive and strong-willed because they want to hurry and get their issue solved. Because they are direct, they get frustrated when you give them more information than they asked for. You don't have to dig too deep with this type. They'll tell you what they want.
To handle this type, let them make their point. Let them know you're listening and they'll easily feel like a winner.
The Friendly Customer only wants to feel welcomed. They can be awfully chatty and may talk over you as you're trying to help them. So, to successfully manage the Friendly type, ask for their opinion. Nothing makes them feel more wanted than knowing you value what they think. Be brief with this type though, because being as talkative as they can be, time can get away as you're trying to help. They have a tendency to go off the subject. When this happens, simply guide them back to the current issue. But do so gently as the Friendly type does not like bluntness.
The Puzzled Customer is the one you'll have to dig deep with and question. They're usually a bit confused as to what their real problem is and haven't a clue as to what's needed to fix it. So they tend to throw out a lot of issues at once; all with detail and hopes that you'll be able to get to the bottom of their issue. You see, no matter how unsure they may be, they trust you to know what they need.
Work with this type by asking questions for clarification. Take notes if you have to. Remember, they'll be giving you a lot of detail whether you need it or not. And just to be on the safe side, when you think you've got the message, restate your understanding because you're working with a lot of stuff.
Last is the Demanding Customer; the one who pushes your patient quota. Notice I said 'demanding' and not difficult. They're the ones most likely to rant and rave. As long as they're not abusive, listen to them and let them vent. They'll eventually run out of steam. They'll challenge your methods of resolution and will want to speak to someone (else) in authority. Don't argue with them; let them. Choose your attitude; don't get caught off guard, and DON'T TAKE IT PERSONAL. Understand that this customer's emotions probably come from frustration over the issue and not because of anything you've done. (See more on this HERE).
Any service provider can recognize a Hurried, Friendly, Puzzled, or Demanding customer. But it's the Blissful one who knows just how to communicate with them, interact with them, win with them; all through Customer Bliss.
~~~Tell Tammy~~~
I hope you enjoyed Customer Service Week this year.
Let us know what you've noticed, learned or just thought about during this year's campaign.
Until next time,
Stay Blissed