Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here’s hoping that you and your family enjoy this special holiday of love and gratitude.

I’m thankful for all the blessings that have been and continue to be bestowed upon me. And today, I’m especially thankful for Daddy’s improved health and I’m hoping he gives us something else to be thankful for by getting released from the hospital today. We’ll see. Good luck, Daddy!

Speaking of parents:

It’s funny the memories that come to my mind along with the aroma of all the ‘usual’ things we eat. The cinnamon and other spices that punctuate my senses also transports Mama straight from Heaven and into my kitchen where her hand is on mine as I stir the gravy, and her cheek right next to mine as I bend to lavishly inhale the Sweet Potato Pie.

Of course, additional family memories crop up throughout the day as we continue to make more memories, but at least for a while, before Michael and I sit down for a quiet midday snack and before company comes, there’s that special moment that’s just Mama and me. And I’m thankful for the memories she continues to give me, even after she’s moved on.

May this Thanksgiving and each day forward be a blessing to you and yours!
Continued Bliss!

~~~~~Tell Tammy~~~~~
What special memories do holiday aromas bring to you? 

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