Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here’s hoping that you and your family enjoy this special holiday of love and gratitude.

I’m thankful for all the blessings that have been and continue to be bestowed upon me. And today, I’m especially thankful for Daddy’s improved health and I’m hoping he gives us something else to be thankful for by getting released from the hospital today. We’ll see. Good luck, Daddy!

Speaking of parents:

It’s funny the memories that come to my mind along with the aroma of all the ‘usual’ things we eat. The cinnamon and other spices that punctuate my senses also transports Mama straight from Heaven and into my kitchen where her hand is on mine as I stir the gravy, and her cheek right next to mine as I bend to lavishly inhale the Sweet Potato Pie.

Of course, additional family memories crop up throughout the day as we continue to make more memories, but at least for a while, before Michael and I sit down for a quiet midday snack and before company comes, there’s that special moment that’s just Mama and me. And I’m thankful for the memories she continues to give me, even after she’s moved on.

May this Thanksgiving and each day forward be a blessing to you and yours!
Continued Bliss!

~~~~~Tell Tammy~~~~~
What special memories do holiday aromas bring to you? 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


In addition to the obviously apparent things that I am thankful for, like my lovely family, my wonderful friends, my health, and of course, the birth of my new book; I am TRULY THANKFUL for the talent the Creator gave me that leads me to inspire and help others embrace life’s challenges, thus elevating their spirits and mine. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Include Our Veterans in Your Holiday Celebrations

Since the holiday season officially kicks off on November 25th of this month, and Veteran’s Day is Friday, November 11th, why not combine them and plan a holiday tribute to all the brave people who have kept and continue to keep our great country safe. A businessman from Maine, Morrill Worcester and his family did just that in 1992 when they turned their gesture of allegiance into an annual holiday event that now includes all of America. With the support of volunteers, this event embodies elements of loyalty, honor, celebration, gratitude, and education. Check out their inspirational beginnings  and consider helping out in your area .

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Holiday Bliss the Debt-Free Way

It's the first week of November and like most of you, all of us here at Image Design are gearing up for the holidays. In the coming weeks, we'll be sharing some of our tips and tricks for getting to and through the holiday season blissfully relaxed and stress-free, beginning with these tips for Holiday Bliss the Debt-Free Way.

Did you know that holiday spending is back to pre-recession levels? In the past few years, Americans spent more than $500 billion dollars over the holiday season; and about 23% of that was paid for with credit cards (money not yet earned). So what happens then? They go into the New Year owing considerably more than the year before; all in the name of the holidays.

Great holidays are not synonymous with over-spending. Let the following tips lead you to holiday fun without compromising your wallet and without entering the New Year wracked in debt:

1. Decide now on what you want to do regarding everything that's holiday-related; from shopping to decorating; from gift-giving to entertaining. A little planning now will save you a lot of impulsive spending later.

2. For workplace celebrations, determine ahead of time what your contribution will be. Then, if suggested contributions are more than you had budgeted, let the planners know ahead of time. Offer to contribute in another way that will keep you involved while staying within your personal plans. For example, you could offer to bake a holiday cake or donate a seasonal flower arrangement to add to the decorations.

3. Do not window shop. Instead, shop with a plan. Make a list of what you want to purchase, go to the stores that you think have what you want, then go only to the necessary departments of those stores. This may take a little work and a lot of discipline, but keep your goal in mind and you'll be ok. You'll save time and money this way, and just think of how proud of yourself you'll be in the end.

4. Make holiday entertaining both fun and therapeutic for your family and friends. Invite them to a casual pizza party where they can unwind from all the hectic goings-on. For added fun, everyone can bring a pizza topping, drinks, etc to share and you all can build your pizzas together or better yet, make it a competitive team event with little stocking stuffers of homemade treats as prizes. Put on a seasonal CD and enjoy the kitchen clatter, holiday chatter, and the enveloping aroma of fresh oven-baked pizza.

Create lasting memories by giving more from your heart. Follow these tips and when the decorations come down, your spirits will still be up. You'll be mentally healthy and happy; not debt-ridden and depressed.

Remember, Holiday Bliss is not about spending a lot of money, but spending quality time with the people you care about.

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