Thursday, July 28, 2011

Want to keep a Journal but find it's NOT your forte?

These days, many find pleasure and answers through the art of journaling. You can journal about any topic under the sun. You can journal about the sun if you choose – anything you’d like to write about, you can have a journal for it.

But is journaling really an art form? Is it something made by the hands of only a creative few? Are there special skills involved in journaling?

No. Then why do some consider themselves journal-challenged? Why does it seem to come so easy to some people while others struggle with it? And how can the seemingly journal-challenged individuals find the same pleasure as the journal-inclined?  

There are various ways to keep a journal; audio, video, etc. But if you find journaling hard to grab hold of, try your hand at these alternatives to traditional journal-keeping to get you started. You can always alter your techniques later:  

Overcome Challenges in 10 Easy Steps

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