Thursday, May 19, 2011

Embrace Technology for Old-School Pleasures

Pleasures of Writing
I've just finished my new book and it's on its merry publishing way. It's been quite an interesting process. Not only the writing of the book; I've been writing all my life so that part was great. But once the final penning was complete...well, all systems went go, and I found myself,

and my abilities, in a totally different place than I was accustomed to in the past. Now don't get me wrong; I'm enjoying the ride immensely. I'm just in overload right now, constantly in the midst of all of this social networking...and loving every minute of it.

Pleasures of Visiting
You see, I've never been one to do a lot of what I used to call, "third-party socializing". Heck, I hardly ever talk on the phone unless it's about business; I'd much rather visit in person. But now, with most of our visiting being done online, I've been throwing myself into it and just see what happens. And although the old-fashioned face-to-face visiting was ok, some of the people who've 'visited' me recently via text msgs, FB, email, etc, are folks I haven't heard from in ages and probably wouldn't have seen either, because most of them are scattered all over the globe. So that part is really cool.
No stranger to technology
I'm no stranger to technology; couldn't have been if I wanted to be...I worked in several areas of city government for 30 years. Some of that time was actually in the Info Tech Dept. The jobs were fine, but being the type of person who gets energized from the energies of others, let's just say that the technical aspects left me flat. But who knew that it'd take one of my biggest passions, writing -- that timeless, seemingly 'old-fashioned' art of penning a book -- to place me deep in the throws of technology. Go figure. And what I've found interesting is that through all the regular updates, changes, and overhauls that occur, even the so-called techno 'experts' are uncertain most of the time. But it's ok because some will actually admit it now, so I figure I'm in excellent company. I'm right up there with the experts; the unsure, the uncertain, but doers, just the same; and having fun in the process.

Just think, there was a time when even THIS entry would have only lived in the pages of my diary, and not in the eyes of the world. 
~~ Tell Tammy ~~
Ever feel challenged in the Social Networking Arena and live to overcome it? Share your story and tell us how. 

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