Wednesday, January 29, 2025

 Happy Chinese New Year!

Today, January 29, 2025 ~ just one month after the Universal New Year arrived ~ the Chinese New Year begins. This Year of the Snake calls for careful planning of goals and desires as it promises success and positive transformation.

Today also welcomes the New Moon in Aquarius, the first new moon of the year.

And let’s not forget the spectacular Cosmic Parade of 7 Planets (Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Mercury) that’ll be going on until the last week in February.  

Most of these planets (Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) can be seen with the naked eye. So don’t miss out. Go out and witness this dramatic event. Experience the wonder and excitement that only the universe can deliver.

This is an event that won’t happen again until the year 2492. So, as these celestial planets put on this dramatic cosmic dance for us, take advantage of it.

  • Align your thoughts and deepest desires with inspired actions just as the planets are aligned.
  • Take the time on tonight’s New Moon to release the old habits that no longer serve you.
  • Set your intentions for what you want to show up in your life for the new cycle.

Happy manifesting! 

You couldn’t ask for a better time to do so!


For years when I was a child, I would often hear people say (in total exasperation) that life took them "full-circle". They never said it in a good way, usually sounding annoyed and hinting that the 'circle' was useless and redundant. There’s nothing wrong with a circle and definitely nothing wrong with going full-circle.

Exactly what is a circle? Like everything else in life, the idea of it is a matter of perspective.

For example; to some people, a circle signifies boundaries and strength. Remember the little kid who’d start a fight by tracing a circle in the dirt and daring anyone to step into it. To him, that circle meant confidence and power. That is, until another kid saw the circle as an opportunity to prove his mettle as he answered the dare and stepped into the circle, too.

What is a circle?

It could be confirmation of the circle of life to the woman whose protective womb holds the promise of a new beginning.

A circle to some adults can mean love, security and infinity as in the symbolized shape of a wedding band. But to others, that same symbolized circle can mean limitations, unwanted boundaries and stagnation.

For me, circles signify both stillness and movement. To go full-circle gives me a sense of peace and completion; yet with a promise of continuous energy.

A journal entry I made a few years prior to my retirement describes feelings I had of coming full circle with a situation I pondered. I had just looked over the draft of a book I’d written (and ultimately designed a class I taught to teenagers) on Etiquette. Apparently, I’d also been thinking about what I would do after leaving my employer of almost 30 years. Here’s a portion of what I wrote:

“…which only serves to prove even more how forces much stronger than me are at work here. This draft wrote itself. The class taught itself.  I’m always writing, but now I feel I can’t help but write and that I will write even more when I’m retired. Humm…Writer and Author…the next chapter. I feel like I’ve come full circle because a Writer was my first self-identifier; the first thing I saw myself doing long, long ago. One of my oldest memories was of writing a poem on the way to school and feeling great.  I folded the paper with great ceremony (like little kids do with every paper they think is precious) and when I got to my seat, I placed it in the back of my desk for safekeeping until the end of the day when I’d take it home to show Mama…  I am whole. I've come full circle. I am home.”

For me, the circle signifies a path, and full-circle represents the force behind my life’s purpose to inspire others through my words.

The circle is whole.  It is universal; therefore, it’s natural. The circle is divine; therefore, it’s pure goodness. It’s never ending; so it is life. The circle is the Creator; therefore, it is all things and everything.  

There are many circles in life and the way you perceive each one is up to you.

So the next time you feel like you’re going in circles, stop, breathe, and in that universal moment, thank God for His circles.

When did you go Full-Circle and come out better than before?
Share your comments below.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

HAPPY 2025!    

After bringing in the New Year, I went to bed around 1:30 a.m. with love and gratitude on my heart.

I awoke at 7 a.m., showered, completed my devotions (with a special New Year's Meditation) and began to cook breakfast. While waiting on the coffee maker to complete its cycle, I turned on the TV in the Den and that's when I saw the tragic activities that happened just overnight in New York and New Orleans.

I won't go into the details; I don't have to -- the media is taking care of that by saturating psyches of the masses with their "Breaking News" broadcasts.

Unfortunately, while the symbolic Ball of Light still shone, reflecting the happiness and hopes of millions, other souls around the world continued to show their frightened faces through heinous acts of terror. Terror, but not control. 

I saw the chaos and prayed for the many victims involved. I made note of the different ways the people of New Orleans were accepting help (money, clothes, etc.), and made my plans to do what I could for them.

Then I turned the TV to the heartwarming channel, MeTV (Memorable Television), not to ignore or downplay the horrific happenings of this morning's events, but as a choice to stay within my own nature, within my own light. 

Of course, it didn't change what happened. And it didn't stop the heartache I felt for the victims and their families, not by a long shot. But it did help me keep my perspective. It helped me to hold tight to my compassion to keep in mind that each and every person involved was a victim of some kind. It kept me on the path of gratitude and away from the road towards bitterness, anger and resentment.

So, while my heart grieved for the souls involved in this morning's tragedies, it also allowed me to laugh at The Beaver, Wally, Tom & Jerry, etc. -- my heart's way of projecting merriment into the world. 

There will always be hurt, pain, suffering and sadness. Some of which we can control, and some that we cannot. But the extent that we hold on to that pain and suffering is definitely within our control. It is completely up to us as to how we handle life.

So, on this New Year's Day:

  • Be thankful for seeing the year come in along with whatever else it brings
  • Be grateful, not only for the pleasant things, but for all things. If you witness it, some aspect about it is for you 
  • Do what you can to help those within your grasp who need help
  • Add your peace and increase World Peace by presenting the world with the gift of your light 
  • Sincerely pray for the disturbed souls who live and act out of fear

And it doesn't really matter whether or not you choose to call these objectives your resolutions. Just focus less on the labels and endeavor to live life divinely inspired.

Choose to make 2025 the greatest year of your life; and it will be,

No matter what, have a 

HAPPY 2025!

  Happy Chinese New Year! Today, January 29, 2025 ~ just one month after the Universal New Year arrived ~ the Chinese New Year begins. This...