March has come and with it has emerged the beginning of spring, the season that represents new life, balance, and growth. Open up to this newness by tossing away the sleepy remnants of winter and embracing the magic of spring.
The following actions can produce value in your life at any time of the year; but doing so at springtime creates a greater impact as you are balancing life at the same time Mother Earth naturally balances hers.
Spring in your life:
Add spring to your life: Think clean, fresh, thoughts. Eat well – lots of seasonal fruits and veggies – natural cleaners for your physical body. Prepare colorful casseroles and most importantly, eat your entire meal with reverence, acknowledging beyond pre-meal prayer, the blessings in which it was provided to you.
Spring in your home:
Nothing says freshness like a clean, fresh-smelling home. Citrus fruit set out in bowls create bursts of visual and olfactory stimulation. Flowers from your garden or from that of a family member or friend produce both beauty and a sense of connection as loving energies are shared.
No access to a garden? No problem. The next time you’re shopping for groceries, purchase a convenient and inexpensive bouquet from your local store. And why not create a garden of life for next year? Fill it with pleasure-giving herbs and flowers. If you can’t do it yourself, begin making plans now to have it done by someone else.
Spring in your step:
Add spring to your step by exercising first thing in the morning, outside if possible. Take a short walk before you begin your day. Have your breakfast beverage of coffee, tea, fruit juice, or even better – water, outside on the porch or patio where you can enjoy early morning fresh air before it is polluted by the general toxins of the day.
Small actions such as these can boost your level of vitality in a big way, providing you with abundant strength and energy.
Until next time, enjoy the springtime and Continued BLISS!!!