Why Your Efforts to Organize Don’t Work
You followed the tips you heard about. You purchased all sorts of organizing containers. You even solicited input from your family. Yet you’re still having trouble keeping things in order. You just can’t understand why the tips don’t work for you.
They won’t work…unless you understand one thing…
The tips are general suggestions, advice and ideas recommended to guide only. And until you learn to tailor them to the personal habits and actions of you and your family, they’ll never work.
Consider these three TIPs:
Tip #1: Use a tray by the door for convenience and to eliminate clutter
Tip #2: Keep a waste basket in every room to encourage tidiness
Tip #3: Every home should have a junk drawer; it’s valuable space
Now consider these three MYTHs:
Myth #1: A tray by the door eliminates clutter
Myth #2: A waste basket in every room eliminates clutter
Myth #3: A home’s junk drawer is valuable space
Are they the same? It depends. Each one could be a great tip…or a disappointing myth; depending on how you use it.
Now see how you can turn the myths into helpful tips for you and your family.
Myth #1: A tray by the door eliminates clutter
This is a myth because it encourages dumping without order. With bowls, trays or other basic containers, people have a tendency to lay items on top of what’s already there.
Solution: Dividers help reduce pile-ups. If your family needs a catch-all by the door, consider a sectioned basket or a small drawer divider to keep sun glasses, wallets, keys, etc. It’s neat, tidy, and affords a quick glance and even quicker pick-up of your things on the way out.
Myth #2: Keep a waste basket in every room
This is a myth because just one waste basket may not be enough.
Solution: If you have a waste basket on one side of the room, and find yourself constantly removing candy wrappers from the accent table on the other side of the room, guess what, you need a wastebasket near the table (as well as an eye on who’s eating all the candy). And don’t just move the one that’s already in there. If that’s being used too, keep it there; apparently it’s in a handy spot. You should have as many as necessary for the family.
Myth #3: A home’s junk drawer is valuable space
First, let’s get something clear…a junk drawer is a place most people keep those pesky little household items that don’t have a real place in the home. Keep in mind though, that if an item is really junk, it should be trashed, not stashed. Ok, now that that’s out of the way…The reason this is a myth is because even the so-called junk needs to be retrieved sooner or later.
Solution: Treat your junk drawer like your space by the door and organize your items for quick access. The junk drawer only has value if you can find its contents when needed.
Remember, a tip can become and remain a myth until you make it work for you. So if you try a suggested tip, but find it doesn’t work, before you give up on it completely, do a quick analysis of your personal situation. Tailor the tip, then try again.
If it still doesn’t work after that, you have my permission to trash it. Just don’t trash your efforts with it. Keep at it, stay open to suggestions, and you’ll find a solution to all your organizing needs.